Stockfish Polyglot Sin_ty10

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Stockfish Polyglot Sin_ty10

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Stockfish Polyglot

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Stockfish Polyglot Empty Stockfish Polyglot

Mensaje por nikisharma 15/05/19, 05:08 pm

Stockfish Polyglot:-

Stockfish Polyglot: Updated May, 15 2019

For Windows only until future updates.

This distribution is the expansion of Stockfish beta having timestamp: 1557912187 - Update failedHighCnt rule #2063.

May, 15 2019: Source code on GitHub updated https://github.com/massimilianogoi/Stockfish-Polyglot.

Stockfish Polyglot is none but the very own Stockfish with the only addition of the possibility to use Polyglot (.bin) books. In order to do that I used the library polybook.h from Brainfish and merged with the Stockfish code. This new update features the 'OwnBook' checkbox as requested, so that you can easily switch from the Polyglot book to the local CTG book (Chessbase softwares) or ABK book (Arena GUI). I've wandered through GitHub to recover the 'OwnBook' checkbox code (it needed just two mere rows..), luckily I've managed to find it and extract the part I needed to use.

This distribution is enhanced by the pgo-build option.

Stockfish Polyglot comes with almost any architecture available, hence also for old 32bit operating systems like Windows XP, old machines, 64bit systems, standard machines, modern machines and power computers. It runs on Windows only this time. I AM SEARCHING FOR SOMEONE TEACHING ME HOW TO COMPILE IT FOR ANDROID OR MACOS, THANK YOU.

Download Here

Note: Please download as soon as possible because I don't keep any back up of the things I upload and once the link is dead then I am helpless too.

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